活性药物成分 (API)、赋形剂以及其他
- 识别和区分API多形体和赋形剂
- 生成显示片剂、吸入剂和鼻喷剂配方的亚微米空间分辨率图像
- 使用我们专用的高通量多形体筛选功能
- 利用先进的控温技术,研究药品的热行为
- 对整个药片和粉末混合物进行快速定量分析
- 确定混合物的均匀性
- 分析细胞和组织里的API和代谢物
- 识别污染物
美国联邦法规第21章第11部分 (21 CFR Part 11)
样本: 药物分析解决方案
雷尼绍在拉曼光谱设备领域占据世界领先地位,有超过25年为全球客户提供拉曼系统的经验。我们是一家跨国公司,拥有遍布全球的科学家和工程师网络,可随时为您提供产品、应用和技术方面的专业支持。 我们深谙药物分析领域存在的诸多挑战,并基于客户的需求设计灵活的解决方案。无论您是新手还是专家,是配方设计员还是质量分析员,我们的系统都能满足您的需求。
产品说明: RA802药物分析仪
RA802药物分析仪是一款紧凑型台式拉曼成像系统,它对配方分析进行了重新定义。RA802操作简单,能够揭示丰富的化学信息。 RA802是专为制药行业设计的,用于快速获取详细的化学物种分布信息。它采用雷尼绍独特的LiveTrack™实时聚焦追踪技术,能够以惊人的速度对凸凹不平、弯曲或粗糙的表面进行高效分析,无需任何样品制备。
Application note: New methods for determining content uniformity of formulations [en]
Using the RA802 to monitor the uniformity of a drug product’s contents to ensure that the correct dose is delivered every time.
Application note: Study the stability of pharmaceutical formulations with Raman microscopy [en]
Many pharmaceutical materials are highly sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity which can affect their crystalline structure. Knowing the stability of these polymorphs and hydrates, in different conditions, is critical to ensure products are safe, efficient and can be patent protected.
Application note: Investigate pharmaceutical solid dose products using the inVia confocal Raman microscope [en]
With so many components and properties, determining the composition, domain size and distribution of patent-expired commercially available formulations is highly desirable. This information creates opportunities to replicate an existing product without the need for lengthy development and prohibitive costs.
Application note: Transmission Raman for monitoring pharmaceuticals [en]
Whether at the research and development stage, or manufacturing, the inVia Raman microscope offers simple and fast transmission Raman analysis.
Application note: Combined chemical and particle distribution analysis of pharmaceutical powders [en]
When formulating pharmaceuticals, it is important to understand the chemical composition and morphologies of the ingredients, as these can lead to changes in product performance. For example, active ingredient co-localisation and particle adhesion can affect the efficacy of formulation. This application note details how to use a Renishaw Raman system to conduct this type of analysis.
Application note: Using Raman spectroscopy to tackle polymorphism, an industry problem [en]
This note looks at incidences of polymorphism in drug development including advantages and challenges.
Application note: Raman imaging for deformulating a transdermal patch [en]
An application note detailing the RA802's ability to deformulate the make-up of a transdermal nicotine patch.
Application note: Rapid polymorph identification with the RA802 Pharmaceutical Analyser [en]
Characterising the polymorphism of active pharmaceutical ingredients when developing a commercially viable product.
Technical note: Quantitative Raman spectroscopy [en]
This document focuses on concentration measurements but the principles detailed are also applicable to other quantitative measurements, such as stress/strain.
白皮书: 鉴伪 — 使用拉曼成像技术鉴别假冒伪劣药品
白皮书: 药物逆向工程分析方法
Technical note: Polymorph identification and qualification [en]
This technology note illustrates the benefits of combining dedicated analysis software with a high-performance Raman instrument and how Renishaw supplies an effective, user-friendly solution to provide complementary information to the multitude of established HTS techniques commercially available.
Application note: Detecting small amounts of multiple API polymorphic forms in powder blends [en]
This note shows how the RA802 Pharmaceutical Analyser can be used to analyse a range of samples, such as powder blends and tablets, to screen for the presence and form of APIs
Product note: Cluster analysis and data classification [en]
The ability to group highly similar spectral data is a key result for research areas including biology and medicine. It enables qualitative conclusions to be drawn objectively based on statistics, rather than subjectively based on an analyst’s experience.